MG TF 1250, 1954
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MG TF 1250, 1954

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MG TF 1250, Jahr 1954. Farbe crème weiß (Old English White) kombiniert mit einem schwarzen Kunstleder-Interieur und schwarzem Teppich. Dieser wunderbare MG TF 1250 wurde neu in den Vereinigten Staaten verkauft. Das Auto wurde in der Vergangenheit restauriert, das Auto ist in einem sehr guten und schönen Zustand und es fährt herrlich. Der MG TF ist die letzte Inkarnation der legendären MG T-Serie, die mit dem Vorkriegs-MG TA begann. Der MG TF verfügt über eine breitere Karosserie mit fließend ausgestellten Kotflügeln, einem abgeschrägten Kühler, integrierten Scheinwerfern und einem Holz-Armaturenbrett mit achteckigen Instrumenten in der Mitte. Angetrieben wird der MG TF vom 1250 ccm Vierzylinder-XPAG-Motor, der seine Kraft über ein später hinzugekommenes 5-Gang-Handschaltgetriebe überträgt. Dieser stilvolle britische Sportwagen ist mit einem schwarzen Vinyl-Verdeck, Einsteck-Seitenfenster mit schwarzen Rahmen und Chromleisten sowie einer schwarzen Persenning ausgestattet. Darüber hinaus verfügt das Auto über verchromte Speichenräder, einen verchromten Gepäckträger, eine verchromte Emblem Leiste, eine Lucas-Nebellampe vorne, einen Rückfahrscheinwerfer hinten und Windflügel (Deflektoren) an den Seiten des Windschutzscheibenrahmens. Dies ist ein entzückender britischer Sportwagen aus den 1950er Jahren, der bereit ist, von einem neuen stolzen Besitzer genossen zu werden.


The MG TF was introduced in the year 1953 as successor of the MG TD. The MG TF was the last MG model based on the pre-war models. Like the MG TA, TC and TD models most of the cars were sold in the USA. Chassis and body of the MG TF were similar to the TD with some changes: The TF became larger doors, integrated headlamps to the wings, and a more slanted radiator. Other changes were found in the interior: two separate seats, a new dashboard with new clocks. Technically everything still matched the MG TD, so the car was fitted with  rack and pinion steering-gear, coil springs (instead of the leaf springs) and an independent wheel suspension in the front. The MG TF 1250 was built in the years 1953 and 1954. In 1954 the MG TF 1500 (MK II) was introduced. The MG TF was succeeded in 1955 by the revolutionary different MG MGA.

Technical data

four cylinder engine
cylinder capacity: 1250 cc.
carburettors: 2x S.U.
capacity: 58 bhp. at 5500 rpm.
top-speed: 130 km/h. - 81 mph.
gearbox: 4 speed, manual
weight: 875 kg.

MG history

MG (Morris Garage) was set up by William Morris in the year 1923 to market a more sporty line of Morris models. Morris Production Manager, Cecil Kimber, was transferred from the factory in Cowley to Morris Garages (in Abington) to design MG's using Morris parts. MG production in Abingdon started in the year 1924. At the end of the 1930s, even normal passenger cars were introduced under the MG label.
The business flourished when in 1945, just after World War II, the sporty prewar MG TB and its successor the TC stole the hearts of the American soldiers. Numerous MGs were shipped to America where this type of motorcar was yet unknown.
Demand for the MG sports cars quickly rose in America, and most of the MGs were sold across the big pond in the years that followed. MGs were simple and well-built, affordable and easy to maintain. In 1952, Austin Motor Corporation merged with Morris Motors to form British Motor Corporation Ltd*.
In 1955, the pre-war TB and the post-war TC, TD and TF series with their pre-war designs were followed by the MG A roadster, which also became available as coupes after 1956.
In 1962, the successful MG A was followed by the even more successful and austerely but elegantly lined MG B. This series, too, mainly found its way to America. The MG B was available as roadster and as a 2+2 coupe, called the ‘GT’.
As British Motor* had stopped the production of the Austin Healey, there was again the need for a six-cylinder sports car from this stable, which made the MG C see the light of day in 1967. It was an MG B with a six-cylinder engine. However, this car failed to live up to expectations as its road-holding and character were not of Healey’s caliber. Eventually, Healey’s successor was to come from the newly merged British Leyland* stable in 1968, and was called the Triumph TR6.
In 1973, a V8 variant of the MG B came onto the market: the MGB V8. This model had a powerful Rover 3.5 litre V8 motor and was to be built until 1976.

The MG B roadster and the GT were sold until 1980, and, under pressure from American legislation, were adapted with safety-enhancing and emission-reducing conversions during their last five production years. The resultant thick rubber bumpers and less powerful engines made these cars much less attractive. Meanwhile, Japan produced the Datsun 240 Z, and put an end to the British sports car hegemony in America.

In 1980, it was curtains for MG B. In the years after, some Austins did appear, ‘dressed up’ as MGs but we’d rather forget about them. Finally, in the 1990s, a worthy successor emerged in the form of the MG F, which is available to this day.
In the year 2001 BMW decided to get rid of Rover because they were losing lots of money because the British pound was too expensive as was manufacturing cars in England.
A group of investors bought Rover. They took over the entire model line and were able to work out the last details on the Rover 75 Tourer and market it. Next idea was to give MG a true rebirth; various Rover models were technically re-engineered, tuned and spiced up to make thru drivers cars of them, a sporty line of cars alongside the Rover middle-class luxury line.
Looking at the Rover/ MG cars and reading about them in the press we can tell that we have high expectations of the MG models to appear in the future.

© Marc Vorgers 

British Leyland*
(in the merger of BRITISH MOTOR HOLDINGS with Austin-Morris and Jaguar interests in 1966)
partly nationalized by the British government in 1975

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